1915 Clippings

Ongoing research: last updated 5 July 2012

4th January 1915  -  BCC Parks Committee Minute

Mr. Councillor Auster presented the following report of the Finance Sub-Committee:-

Income and Expenditure
Your Sub-Committee have had under consideration the income and expenditure for the half year ended 30th September, as shown hereunder.
The estimated figures for the financial year are also given.
In all cases the figures are stated to the nearest £.

Statement of Income and Expenditure for the half year ended 30th September, to compare with the estimated figures for the year.

Oncome                                                                                                Expenditure
Estimated         Actual               Nominal Accounbt                     Estimated         Actual

£                      £                      Parks:-                                      £                      £
80                     51                     Kings Heath                              995                   398

Refreshment Rooms generally
Your Sub-Committee have invited tenders for tenancies of the park refreshment Rooms for a period of three years from 25th March, 1915, and recommend that the following tenders be accepted, and that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and attach the Corporate Seal to such documents as may be necessary to give effect thereto:-

Tenant                                      Park                                         Rent per Annum

E.W. Blake                                Kings Heath                              £35

Refreshment Rooms – Tenancies of

1383   Resolved:-  That the following tenders for tenancies of Park Refreshment Rooms, for a period of three years from 25th March, 1915, be accepted:-

Tenant                                      Park                                         Rent per Annum

E.W. Blake                                Kings Heath                              £35

And that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and attach the Corporate Seal to such documents as may be necessary to give effect thereto.

9th January 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Moseley & Kings Heath

Belgian’s Gratitude – An interesting letter signed by all the inmates of Park House, Belgian Refugee Home, Kings Heath, has been addressed to the ladies and gentlemen of the committee in grateful appreciation of the generous Christmas and New Year treats afforded them.  The letter translated by Mr. J. Visser, reads as follows:- “Thankfulness is a sweet duty to every righteous heart:  We therefore wish to fulfil the agreeable duty of expressing again our heartfelt thanks.  Everyone of us has been the subject of your noble devotion for some time, but the party you gave us on Saturday last exceeded all expectations.  A beautifully decorated room, a richly laden Christmas tree, a selected company of benefactors, who with personal devotion and nice gifts had arranged the party, a father Christmas who knew how to discharge his pleasant task – all this put us in a pleasant and jubilant frame of mind.  Large and small were very pleasantly surprised with the gifts handed to them, and many received what they had secretly been longing for.  After this followed the nice refreshments, so whole-heartedly given by noble ladies.  It is really difficult to thank the organisers of all this, in a manner which they deserve.  Your kindheartedness even carried you so far as to think of us before you thought of your own homes.  All of you, and each separately, we thank you again.  The Christmas party at Park House will live with us for ever, and when we have returned to our dear old Fatherland we shall look back to those ladies and gentlemen who coupled purity with kindheartedness.  We take this opportunity of wishing you all a very happy Christmas.  May God bring you that happiness which you by your devotion are trying to give to others.  May He also guard your loved ones, who have been called away in the defence of their country.  Accept, ladies and gentlemen, with the expression of our thanks, also our sincere wishes for a happy Christmas.”  The good people of Kings Heath interested in the Belgians at Park House, it must be stated, spared no pains or expense to make the unfortunate people forget, for a time at least, their misfortunes.  The Christmas dinner was an old-fashioned English one, with plenty of roast beef, plum pudding and mince pies, and crackers were afterwards served around.  The Christmas tree was a huge one, and was laden from top to bottom with many useful and handsome presents.  Mr. Jan Visser was a capital Father Christmas.  St. Nicholas day, the children’s festival was also marked by a party, when presents were handed round.  There are now 54 inmates who have recently been increased by a mother and her baby, for a long time lost, who were restored to her husband, who was deeply distressed in having been parted from them in the terrible flight from Belgium.

23rd January 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Moseley & Kings Heath

Concert to the Belgians – The inmates of the Park House Belgian Refugee Home, Kings Heath, were again entertained at a concert given on Saturday evening last.  The programme – a very excellent one – had been arranged by Mr. W.H. Hughes, who has been responsible for other concerts already given to the Belgians at the home.  The chair was taken by Mr. J. Morpurgo, a Hollander, resident in Kings Heath, with business concerns in this country, who has from the first taken a good deal of interest in the movement to care for the refugees, and is a member of Park House Committee.  He prefaced the concert with a few remarks to the refugees in which he had noticed with regret the air of sadness among them.  He encouraged them to look on the bright side, reminding them that Belgium was a land of promise, and that when they returned to their beloved native land, they would be surprised at its powers of recuperation, and they would find that in an incredibly short space of time the country would recover from its devastation, and become once more a progressive kingdom with the help of the Allies.  They should therefore look on the bright side of things.  On behalf of the refugees, he thanked the artistes of the evening for their kind support.  The concert opened with a piano selection, pleasingly played by Miss Elsie Corah, who was the accompanist for the evening.  Much pleasure was afforded by the Victorian Quartette, who gave a number of glees.  The most appreciated of their selections was “The Bill of Fare”, which was encored.  The refugees enjoyed immensely the humorous songs of the comedian Fragson, given by Mr. W.E. Jones in the French language.  The Belgians joined with gusto in the choruses.  Much pleasure was afforded by the visit of Miss Hilda Faulkner of Bournville, who, we believe, sang for the first time that evening at Kings Heath.  Miss Faulkner’s inclusion in the programme was due to the kind offices of Mr. Sidney Hooper.  This lady has a soprano voice of excellent quality, and there is no doubt that more will be heard of her in the future.  Her songs were “There’s a Land” and “When my Ships come Sailing Home”.  Encored for the latter, she sang “Somewhere a Voice is Calling”.  The bass songs of Mr. Fred Halward were outstanding features of the concert.  He gave with splendid effect “Honour and Arms” and “Bedouin Love Song”.  Master Frank Huggett, a treble solo boy at St. Agnes’ Moseley who was a leading winner at last year’s Birmingham Musical Competition, was heard to excellent advantage in the songs “The Motherland’s a Calling” and “The Better Land”, the latter being especially well liked.  Messrs Elliot and Lewis gave two duets.  The evening closed with the singing of the Belgian, French and English National Anthems, the solos being taken by Messrs Elliott and Jones.

27th February 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Moseley & Kings Heath

Belgian Refugees  -  A concert to the Belgians at Park House, Kings Heath, was given on Saturday night, arranged by Mr. C.S. Hopkins.  Mr. Jim Visser presided, and the artistes included Miss Gossage, Miss S. Ash, Messrs. G. Lacey Morris (tenor), Will Picken (s’ffleur), H. Westerland (comedian), Walmsley, and Welch.  The accompanists were Messrs. Edge, Don Stokes, and Master S. Welch.

6th March 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield District
Moseley & Kings Heath

Belgians Gratitude  -  The last concert of the season arranged by the committee at Park House for the entertainment of the Belgian refugees was given on Saturday night in the large room.  The chair was taken by Mr. J. Morpurgo.  The concert was of high-class character, and it was evident that it was much appreciated.  The programme opened with the effective and appropriate singing of “La Brabauconne”, the Russian National Anthem and “Marseillaise” by the quartette, Miss L. Rogers, Mrs. E. Buller, Messrs. Turner and L. White, who gave later several excellently sung part songs, and their solos were in all cases admirably sung.  Miss Rogers delighted the audience with her piano solos, and the same remark applies to the skilfully played violin solos of Miss Frances Jude.  Encores were demanded in several cases, and granted where time permitted.  There was an interesting incident when Mr. Brems read a letter in English composed by him.  It said: “As it is the last concert tonight I think it my duty to thank in the name of all the Belgian refugees at Kings Heath, all the good artistes who had the kindness to make us spend a most agreeable and nice evening.  Not only do we express our heartfelt thanks to those who gave their help this evening, but to all those who have given their kind and valuable assistance in our former concerts.  Also, we reflect upon the goodness and self devotion of all the honourable members of the Entertainment Committee under the presidency of the highly valued chairman, Mr. Welch.  They did not spare any trouble to find remarkable artistes who could provide us with agreeable evening parties and make us forget for a while our sadness and anxieties.  The activity and kindness of the members of the committee, the readiness and talent of the artistes, that all fills our hearts with sincere gratitude and with admiration for the English, our benefactors, our saviours.  Therefore, we repeat it once more, ladies and gentlemen, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  I can assure you that our gratitude will grow still.  Everyone of us will always remember with the greatest pleasure the agreeable hours spent in your company at Kings Heath House, and even in our old days we shall always look back upon the nice time we enjoyed here.  Once more thanks be to you good and active managers, and to you, kind and clever artistes”. Mrs. E. Buller, on behalf of the artistes responded in French, and the proceedings closed with the National Anthem.

8th May 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districtt
Moseley & Kings Heath

Bowling at Kings Heath Park – A meeting of the newly-formed Kings Heath Park Bowling Club, which has already made encouraging progress, was held on Saturday.  There were a good muster present, presided over by their esteemed chairman, Mr. H. Mantel.  Mr. J. Smith, of the Park, was unanimously elected on the committee, and Mr. H. Kilby was chosen as captain, and Mr. T. Cross vice-captain for the matches to be played in the Park Bowling League.  The club commences the season today (Saturday) with a match at Bournville Park.  The members on Saturday last had a roll up on the green before the meeting.  The new green has been carefully laid under the supervision of the superintendent, and promises to be in splendid condition.  Mr. Leverton Harris, M.P. has kindly consented to be the first president.  The following vice-presidents have been elected:- Major John Howard Cartland, Councillors G. Johnson, F.J. Gibbs, W.H. Lord, S. James, T.E. Everton, George Shann, M.A. Eldred Hallas and A.J. Kelly, Messrs. Laurence C. Tipper, Wilfred Hill, T.E. Farren, J. Lea, and A.E. Dawson.

22nd May 1915 – Birmingham News

Birmingham Parks League

Brookvale v Kings Heath
Played at Brookvale Park
(Full details given)
Brookvale         220       Kings Heath      185

29th May 1915 – Birmingham News

Village Gossip

Kings Heath Park Extension
I notice much improvement has been made in Kings Heath Park with regard to the growth of the new plantation of Rhododendrons which a season or two ago had only just been completed and which now form the principal feature of attraction in hot weather.  The flower beds and borders are now gay with spring flowers and bulbs, chiefly tulips, wallflowers, myosotis and polyanths, reflecting great credit on those responsible for the colour schemes and blending of the various shades.  The new extension which was added to this park during last summer of about 15 acres of meadow land makes the total area now over 30 acres and so far it has been highly appreciated by the public who obtain a splendid view of The Lickey and Clent Hills, and an extensive panorama of the West of Birmingham.  By the way, one of the very best views of Highbury is to be found from this portion of the park.  The large new bowling green recently completed is now ready for play, and several interesting matches have been arranged for the season.  This particular item of sport calls forth very keen competition, and the patrons of the Kings Heath Park green of former years appreciate to the fullest degree all the trouble and expense involved on the Parks Committee through their chief officer in providing further scope in this direction.  Four additional new tennis courts have also recently been laid down, and will shortly be ready for use.  These in conjunction with the bowling greens when in thorough working order will add very materially to the appearance of that portion of the park allotted to them.  The residents of Kings Heath, Moseley and district have god reason to feel proud of their park, and appreciate the efforts made on their behalf by the late Kings Norton and Northfield U.D.C. in obtaining such a lovely spot for their enjoyment.  The house in the park, in addition to the portion allocated to refreshment rooms, is now in part occupation by the Belgian Refugees Committee.  Our Belgian friends appear to be very happy and comfortable, and appreciate to the fullest degree their temporary home, but I hear that they will have to be found new quarters, for the House is required for the use of the nurses at the Colmore Road School Hospital.  By the way Mr. J. Smith, the curator, has recently been selected by the Education Committee as horticultural instructor and demonstrator to the Perry Barr Allotments Association, and I feel sure that from his experience gained in such gardens as Windsor, Sandringham, Blenheim and Trentham he will be able to assist their work considerably.  While in service at Sandringham Mr. Smith was a recipient of many useful and interesting presents from his late Majesty, Kind Edward VII., and their Majesties King George and Queen Mary.

Belgians to Leave Park House

The Belgian Refugees who had settled down so happily at Park House, Kings Heath, have, we regret to hear, got to leave to make room for nurses at Colmore Road School Military Hospital.  Every effort had been made by the committee to alter the decision of the authorities who had been asked whether they cannot use an untenanted mansion in Brandwood Road, but this suggestion has been refused.  Up to the present no home has been found for the unfortunate Belgians who are a second time being ejected from their homes.

7th June 1915  -  BCC Parks Committee Minute

Mr. Councillor William Brown presented the following report of the Administration Sub Committee:-

Kings Heath House
Colonel Marsh has made application on behalf of the War Office for the sole use of Kings Heath House now used as refreshment rooms and partly occupied by Belgian Refugees, for nurses’ quarters in connection with the temporary hospitals at the schools in the neighbourhood.
Your Sub Committee have acceded to the application of the War Office and have decided to make a weekly charge of £1 for the use of the house.  In addition, the War Office will be required to pay gas and water rates.  They have also arranged that Mr. Blake, the present tenant, should be paid £50 as compensation for disturbance of tenancy and for the cancellation of his lease.
As the matter was urgent, they instructed the Town Clerk to forthwith carry out the arrangements and sign or seal on behalf of the Corporation such documents as may be necessary and they recommend that their action be approved.

Kings Heath House
1538   Resolved:-  That the action of the Administration Sub Committee in granting the use of Kings Heath House to the War office for nurses’ quarters in connection with the temporary hospitals at the schools in the neighbourhood on the terms and conditions mentioned in the report, be approved and that the Town Clerk be authorised to affix the Corporate Seal to such documents as may be necessary to carry out the arrangements.

12th June 1915 – Birmingham News

Birmingham Parks League

Summerfield v Kings Heath
Played at Summerfield Park
(Full details given)
Summerfield      247       Kings Heath      135

19th June 1915 – Birmingham News

Birmingham Parks League

Kings Heath v Brookvale
Played at Kings Heath Park
(Full details given)
Kings Heath                  173       Brookvale         224

26th June 1915 – Birmingham News

Birmingham Parks League

Two matches were played in the Birmingham Parks League on Saturday, Cotteridge easily beating Kings Heath, and Lightswood maintaining their unbeaten record.  The League table to date is appended:-

                        P          W         L          F          A          P         
Lightswood       5          5          0          1774       819     10
Handsworth       4          4          0            934       592       8
Brookvale         5          2          3            947     1063       4
Cotteridge         5          2          3            992       596       4
Summerfield     4          1          3            660       839       2
Kings Heath      5          0          5            747     1188       0

Cotteridge v Kings Heath
Played at Cotteridge Park
(Full details given)
Cotteridge         252       Kings Heath      115

3rd July 1915 – Birmingham News

Village Gossip

Belgian’s Gratitude The many Kings Heath people who have interested themselves in the unfortunate Belgian Refugees until recently located at Kings Heath Park House, and now at St. Clair, Park Hill, Moseley, will be pleased to hear how grateful they are to their English friends for all they have done for them.  The following letter sent to the committee and subscribers speaks for itself:-
“The first thought of the Belgian Refugees of Kings Heath (Park House), now installed in their new residence in Moseley (‘St. Clair’, Park Hill) is to express a sentiment of sincere gratitude towards their kind hosts, the people of Kings Heath, for we have continually received gifts and benefits in profusion at their hands; their bounty – their generosity surpass all our expectations.  And the devoted members of the committee!  How can we adequately express our feeling to them?  Truly, we cannot find words fitting the expression of our profound gratitude.  They have done all in their power to find for us a new home as pleasant and as comfortable as the one we have just left.   Honour and thanks to these excellent ladies, to these worthy gentlemen, who have worked from morning till night to procure for us a new home.  Honour to their indefatigable spirit which spared neither pains nor trouble to accomplish their desires for our welfare.  Our hearty thanks to those who at times neglected their own duties to devote themselves exclusively to the happiness and well-being of the Belgians.  Their devotion is beyond praise.  To show you, ladies and gentlemen, that we are not unworthy of all these favours and that we know how to appreciate the benefits we have received, we have all firmly resolved scrupulously to carry out all the desires of the committee, and to conform faithfully to the rules and regulations of the house. – The Belgian Refugees of Kings Heath.”

5th July 1915 – BCC Parks Committee Minute

As to Minute No. 1538 King’s Heath House, War Office Accommodation.
The Administration Sub Committee presented the following report:-

Use of King’s Heath House by the War Office
Your Sub Committee have received the following communication from the War Office and submit the following reply sent by the Town Clerk.

Army Service Corps Office
Old Barracks
16th June 1915
Re:  King’s Heath House
With reference to your letter of the 2nd instant, I have to inform you that the Divisional Officer Royal Engineers, Warwick has made his inspection of these premises and finds that it should be overhauled from top to bottom.  Practically the whole of the walls will have to be stripped and repaired.  In view of the foregoing I am instructed to enquire whether you will undertake to put in a reasonable state of repair.
Extract of letter from Divisional Officer Royal Engineers, Warwick, attached.
Yours faithfully
(Sg.) E. Walsh    Captain
Officer i/c Barracks,
Warwick Sub-district
To The Town Clerk,


(a)    With reference to above, these premises arevery extensive and are in a most dirty and dilapidated condition.  They will require a thorough overhaul from top to bottom and in my opinion should not be taken over if it is possible to obtain more desirable quarters for Nursing Sisters.
Practically the whole of the walls will have to be stripped and this will no doubt mean extensive repair to plaster, etc.,
(b)   Re fire protection, there is no Hydrant near the premises, the nearest being about 200 yards down the main road.  The premises are situated near the centre of the King’s Heath Park.
I understand the hot water boiler is satisfactory, but I could find no safety valve.
(c)   There are 3 W.Cs., and one Bath on the premises.

Approximate cost of Engineer Services viz:-
Colouring etc., gas fittings, Blinds, extra baths, etc., will be £160

17th June 1915
Dear Sir,
Re King’s Heath House.

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 16th instant and in reply thereto am instructed to inform you that the parks Committee are not prepared to bear any part of the expense of putting the premises into the state of repair required by the War Office.
The condition of the premises is doubtless partly due to the Belgian Refugees who have been in occupation for some time.  It was serving a useful purpose but to meet the wishes of the War Office, the Belgians have been turned out and the premises placed at the disposal of the Army Authorities who must bear the expense of any repairs.
Yours faithfully,
(Sg.) E.V Hiley
Town Clerk.
Captain E. Walsh

1563   Resolved:-  That the Minute be continued.

26th July 1915 – BCC Parks Committee Minute

Mr. Councillor Auster presented the following report of the Finance Sub Committee:

General statement of Income and expenditure for the year ended 31st March 1915

Estimated                     Kings Heath Park          Actual
£80                               Income                         £87. 10. 5.
£795                             Expenditure                  £948. 18. 1.

Mr. Councillor W. Brown presented the following report of the Administration Sub Committee:-

King’s Heath House
Your Sub Committee report that the War Office have now taken possession of this house and are having it cleaned ready for occupation and desire the tenant to vacate the premises on the 4th August next.  They have accordingly instructed the Superintendent to require the tenant to give up possession on that date.

King’s Heath House

1602   resolved:-  That the Superintendent be instructed to inform Mrs. Blake the tenant of these premises that she will be required to give up possession on the 4th August 1915.

4th September 1915 – Birmingham News

Birmingham Parks League

Kings Heath v Lightswood
Played at Kings Heath Park
(Full details given)
Kings Heath      165       Lightswood Park           252

25th September 1915 – Birmingham News

Friendly Games

Kings Heath Park v Small Heatrh Park
Played at Kings Heath Park
(Full details given)
Kings Heath Park           188       Small Heath Park           151

2nd October 1915 – Birmingham News


Small Heath Park v Kings Heatrh Park
Played at Victoria Park, Small Heath
(Full details given)
Small Heath Park           253       Kings Heath Park          221

4th October 1915 – BCC Parks Committee Minute

As to Minute No. 1578, King’s Heath House.  War Office Accommodation.
The following report of the Town Clerk was received:-

King’s Heath House – War Office

I have to report that in accordance with the above Minute I have entered into an agreement on behalf of the Corporation with the Secretary of State for War for the tenancy of King’s Heath House at a rental of £1 per week.
I have received a cheque for £50 in payment of compensation to the outgoing tenant and have paid the same over to the City Treasurer.  I shall be glad of your instructions as to the disposal of the amount received.

1622   Resolved:-  That it be an instruction to the Superintendent to pay the sum of £50 to the outgoing tenant as compensation for disturbance of tenancy and that the Town Clerk be informed accordingly.

As to Minute No. 1602, King’s Heath House
The Superintendent reported that Mrs. Blake had given up possession of these premises.

1624   Resolved:-  That the Minute be discharged.

23rd October 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Moseley and Kings Heath

Kings Heath Park Bowling Club – The following was the result of the club’s tournament:- 1, Mr. F. Ford; 2, Mr. H. Bate; 3, Mr. W. Wilkins; 4, Mr. A. Lowe; 5, Mr. W. Farmiloe; 6, Mr. J.L. Roberts; 7, Mr. G. Jarvis.  First handicap: 1, Mr. L. Bowers; 2, Mr. S. Cowles; 3, Mr. G. Jarvis.  President’s (Mr. Leverton Harris) prize (silver rose challenge bowl and gold medal), Mr. J. Close.

20th November 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Moseley and Kings Heath

Kings Heath Park Bowling Club – The members of the Kings Heath Park Bowling Club concluded a very successful first season, on Monday night, when at the Ruskin Hall, Institute Road, they held a well-attended whist drive and social.  The whist drive for four prizes occupied the first part of the programme, Mr. S. Cowles, a member, officiating as M.C. The prize-winners were:- Ladies: 1, Miss Evans; 2, Mrs. Minshaw.  Gentlemen: 1, Mr. D. Bailey; 2, Mrs. Luke; booby prize, Mrs. W. Cooper.  At the interval the prizes won by the members in club competitions, together with the whist prizes, were distributed by Mr. H. Mantell, chairman of the club, in the absence of Councillor E.T. Everton.  The challenge silver rose bowl, given by Commander Leverton Harris, M.P., President, went to Mr. J. Close.  The first prize in the tournament, a handsome eight day clock, presented by Major J. Howard Cartland, J.P. was won by Mr. F. Ford; the second, a pair of woods, by Mr. Bates; the third, a set of ebony hairbrushes, given by Mr. Wilfrid Hill, went to Mr. A.W. Wilkins; the fourth, a case of knives, to Mr. A. Lowe; the fifth, a clock, to Mr. Farmiloe; the sixth, a pair of hairbrushes, to Mr. J.T. Roberts; the seventh, a flower stand, to Mr. G. Jarvis.  In the handicaps Mr Sam Cowles won a pair of woods and Mr. T. Bowers a case of pipes.  Mr. Mantel alluded to the hard and efficient work the hon. secretary (Mr. J. Harvey) put into the club.  The success of the first season was largely due to what he had done for the club.  Mr Harvey, acknowledging the observations, hoped to be spared to continue his work for the club next season, on the first of May.  Speaking of the origin of the club, Mr. Harvey said a number used to meet on Saturday afternoon, but the disadvantage was that one did not know who he was playing with.  The players put their heads together and decided to form a club and elected officers, later on securing Mr. (now Commander) Leverton Harris, M.P. for President, and the following list of influential local gentlemen as Vice-Presidents:- Major J.H. Cartland, Councillors G. Johnson, W.H. Lord, S. James, F. J. Gibbs, E.T. Everton, G. Shann, A.J. Keller, Messrs Wilfrid Hill, L.C. Tipper, J. Lea, T.E. Farren and A.E. Dawson.  An interesting musical evening followed.  Mr. Arnold Nickson gave some of his amusing musical sketches, which were much appreciated, as were the humorous ditties of Mr. T. Westerland.  Miss Dora Gossage gave much pleasure with her soprano songs, likewise her brother, Mr. H. Gossage, a local bass, while the enjoyment of the programme was assisted by Mr. J. Smith and Miss Gladys Jones, who, with Mr. Johnson, shared the accompaniments.  A vote of thanks to the artistes was carried on the motion of Mr. Jarvis, seconded by Mr. J. Harvey.  The chairman was also heartily thanked for his assistance on the motion of Mr. H. Allen, seconded by Mr. E. Sharp.  The proceedings closed with the National Anthem, Mr. Gossage singing the solo.

6th December 1915 – BCC Parks Committee Minute

As to Minute No. 1622 King’s Heath House.  War Office Accommodation.

1662   The Superintendent reported that the sum of £50 had been paid to the tenant and a receipt taken in full discharge of all claims for compensation for the cancellation of the lease.

The Superintendent here drew attention to the fact that a serious blunder had been made by the Royal Engineers belonging to the War Department in disconnecting certain sewers on the premises and not re-connecting same with the result that a great nuisance had arisen, the Medical Officer of Health being compelled to order the removal of the nurses from the house.

Mr. Councillor Auster presented the following report of the Finance Sub Committee:

Estimate for 1916 – 1917

Kings Heath Park
                                                            Income                         Expenditure
Estimated 1915-1916                             £80                               £750
Actual to 30th September 1915                £90 19. 2.                      £411 8. 11.
Estimated 1916-1917                             £80                               £700

This Minute also contains a long report entitled “Music in the Parks 1915”, with the following extracts relative to King’s Heath Park:-

Local Bands
………  The concerts given at King’s Heath Park and Garrison Lane received very poor financial support and I suggest that, during the continuance of the war, it would probably be advisable to very considerably reduce the number of concerts given particularly in the Parks where the concerts were on the whole poorly appreciated*.

Kings Heath Park:

Local Bands (Ordinary Concerts):
Number of concerts                               8
Receipts                                               £12 17. 11.
Payment to Bands                                 £25   0. 0.

(*   This report was also presented to the main Council meeting on 1st February 1916)

25th December 1915 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Moseley and Kings Heath

 Belgians Entertained – The second Christmas entertainment given to the Belgians who are under the care of Kings Heath Belgian Committee took place on Saturday evening at Kings Heath Baptist Schoolroom.  St. Clair, the new home of the refugees, is not as suitable for the holdiong of a party of the kind, as the old home at Kings Heath Park House, and the schoolroom lent by the Baptists proved a very convenient venue.
(Ed. Note:  The article continues with no further reference to Kings Heath Park.)

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